Friday, December 28, 2012

Places to Donate Your Child's Old Toys!


| December 27, 2012

Now that the holiday has passed and all the presents have been opened, are you finding that your child’s room is a little more cluttered than usual? That probably means it’s time to clear out some of the extra toys and things that your child has grown too old for or gotten bored with. The question is what to do with them? Obviously you can throw away toys that are broken or coloring books that have all the pages colored in, but what about the toys that are in good shape, just no longer right for your child? A good solution is to donate them somewhere, where other children can make good use of them. Here are some suggestions for where to donate your child’s old toys.
  • Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald Houses provide lodging for families that have to travel to get medical treatment for a child. They’re a wonderful organization, and if you have one in your area, they can almost certainly make good use of your child’s outgrown toys. Many families must travel with the sick child’s siblings, and one of the things that a Ronald McDonald House provides is a playroom for the siblings of the child who is getting treatment. This is an excellent way to support their work.
  • Women’s Shelters. The organizations that run shelters for women who have left abusive relationships are often operating on tiny, insufficient budgets. Meanwhile, the women and children who end up in the shelters aren’t bringing many of the comforts of home along with them. By donating to them, you’re helping children who really need to be able to play and feel happy and safe while coping with a difficult situation. You should also consider donating to homeless shelters. Many families with children do end up in shelters, and again, they usually bring very little with them. Women’s shelters and homeless shelters are often passed over as toy donation sites, and they can definitely make use of your child’s old toys.
  • Police and Fire Departments. Unfortunately, there are times when a police officer or firefighter must comfort a child who has been injured or who is frightened. For this reason, it isn’t uncommon for the police or firefighters to carry small toys with them. Stuffed animals are usually what is used in this situation. If you find yourself with an array of unwanted stuffed animals, contacting your local police or fire departments to see if they can use the toys could be a great thing to do.
You may not be aware of it, but research shows that books and toys are vital for children to develop normally. Infants need toys to help them properly develop brain growth and motor skills. Older children without toys are more likely to become involved in fights and otherwise exhibit behavior problems. By donating toys that will go to the children who need them most, you’re contributing to giving a child a healthier and happier life.

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